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Help us make a real difference for vulnerable children

Everything we do as a charity aims to make life better for children at risk of harm, to help keep them safe and to give them every possible chance to fulfil their potential.
Help us build safer futures for children

What brings you here?

I’m considering a career in social work

Social work is a highly rewarding career. Through Approach Social Work (formerly known as the Frontline programme) you’ll join a new, diverse generation of social workers specialising in child protection.

Train and qualify while practising, gain a master’s and make a real difference for children and families.


I’m a professional looking to develop my skills and leadership

Progress, Frontline’s leadership development programme, empowers current and aspiring team managers to achieve better outcomes.

With expert training and support, you’ll lead with confidence and make a lasting impact in your practice.

I’d like to find out more about Frontline’s work

As a children’s charity, specialising in child protection, much of our work relies on the generosity of our supporters.

Frontline aims to improve outcomes for all the children who are at risk of harm and require the support of professionals like social workers, in their home life or outside the family.


children and their families rely on the support of social workers in England each year.


more children have entered care in the last 20 years.


of children who went into care for the first time after the 2011 Census were living in a household that was deprived.

Our supporters

We rely upon grants from charitable trusts, donations from companies and individuals like you to achieve our mission.

Your support helps professionals to do the work they need to do with the most vulnerable children.

We’d love to talk to you more about our work.

Read our latest blogs